Good for business

Peculiar as it may be, or not, my friends and I have a tendency to end up at many of the same bars, clubs and restaurants when visiting Manhattan. Many times this occurs on purpose, however, most times it seems to just happen. We’ll be walking, looking for somewhere to drop some money and gain some weight, and bada boom – we walk into a place (i.e., Peculiar Pub) that we have ‘accidentally’ been to many times before.


This year, was no different. After walking for some time – at least four blocks – YummYummy and I decided to stop at the same pub that we frequented last year on my birthday. Unlike last year, the place was packed – like our pants. Once we were finally seated we decided to take a couple of pictures of us. As is often the case, we tend to take self-portraits. After a few fantastic pictures, a patron nearby asked, “Would you like me to take a good picture of you?” We humbly obliged and quickly realized how others were perceiving our photographic skills.


After a few more drunk shots (pictures, not actual shots), we went to a lounge near our hotel which, after being their only a few minutes, we decided would become our ‘local hangout.’ Being that it was a Tuesday night, they only had one staff on duty and he was busy. So busy, he didn’t even have time to restock toilet paper in the bathroom. Being the kind patrons we are, and needing to pee, we offered to do so for him. “We’re literally all out,” he advised. I offered to go purchase some for him and he respectfully declined. After that, our drinks were really strong and really discounted.


The next day, we stopped at a different bar (so unlike us). The service, like our self-portraits the previous day, wasn’t good. “Maybe you should offer to go buy some toilet paper for her and she’ll pick up the pace,” YummYummy suggested. From now on, I’m going to do as Mrs. SwissAir does and keep a roll or two (‘acquired’ from a different establishment) in my purse – it’s good for business, literally.

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