
As we drove toward our East Hampton destination, we discussed how we planned to spend our days. Woody likes to have a plan. The rest of us had only one plan: hang out, literally. “We’re all here to spend time with each other….or not,” I advised. “Exactly,” Kitty concurred.


As planned, we spent a majority of our time hanging out, primarily, in the pool. In fact, Kitty and I did virtually everything in the pool. One evening, after dining out (of the pool), we were sitting poolside drinking and decided to jump in. Dress and all. After several hours of gracefully navigating the water in our gowns, we decided we were overdressed and ditched our dresses for inner tubes. The inner tubes became a constant, and sometimes the only, accessory.


As naked girls do, we talked boobs. “If you want some of this, you have to have some of that,” I said pointing to my boobs and then my real life inner tube. I added, “And this shit is real.” “I’m 80% real,” Kitty interjected. We eventually decided to exit the pool. “The hardest part about getting out of the pool is finding a place to pee,” I told Kitty and Duffy. It was then we decided that if and when we get out of the pool we would keep our inner tubes on. “While others get in touch with their inner child, we stay in touch our inner tubes,” I advised. They agreed that was good advice – every girl – overdressed or undressed – needs an accessory.

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