Hazy with a side of Crazy

With our baskets full of sandwiches, club soda and bubbly cheer, we decided to take advantage of National Lazy Day by throwing caution to the wind (to include the flash flood and tornado warnings), and head to Montauk Point Light (lighthouse on the South shore of Long Island). Luckily, we had spent the entire previous day lounging around the pool, so we were more than ready to officially celebrate by doing absolutely nothing, again. “We were preparing for today,” Sleepless said. “We’re definitely ahead of our time….zone,” I agreed.


DDDG has been ahead of (and behind) her time zone for some time, donning a posh watch with a dead battery. Not that any of us cared about the actual time while on vacation but, while in the Hamptons, DDDG wanted to look the part and, as long as people only asked her the time at or around 3:37, her watch was spot on. While cruising East 27, eating our sandwiches, enjoying our beverages and heading to Grey Gardens, both Skiwi and I received National Weather Service warnings about flash flood and tornado watches.


Several of us had reviewed the weather reports earlier and had seen there was a chance of ‘weather,’ however, never expected what we quickly encountered: a river flowing down the streets of East Hampton and our car immediately became a boat. “It’s funny we were pish poshing the flashfood rain, ‘Oh pish posh Muffy,'” said Kitty.  “Awww shit, get your towels it’s about to go down. I’m on a boat. I’m  on a boat. Everybody look at me ’cause I’m sailing on a boat,” Sumner Charles III white rapped.


Upon arriving in the Hamptons we had decided that, in order effectively acclimate, we should have Hamptonames. I became Muffy, Sleepless became Duffy, YummYummy became Kitty, Ice Cream Man became Sumner Charles III, Autumn Mist or Bunny depending on his attire, DDDG became Lady Spaniel and Skiwi became Woody. With his new name selection, Woody said, “Woody. Seems appropriate. The name changes will help keep what happens in the Hamptons in the Hamptons.” “What happens will stay in the Hamptons,” I replied and added, “and the blog.”


Keeping in a rhythm that would make Nat King Cole and Andy Samberg proud, we maintained a lazy pace while enjoying the hazy skies and getting a little crazy drinking Santana champ. As Andy has said, “….this ain’t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets.”


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