Very young

While at lunch with The Responsible One, Q and some of Q’s coworkers, we discussed dating. They’re all in relationships, so they were providing dating suggestions to me. “Dating is a part-time job – that’s what my friend says anyway,” her coworker said and then suggested, “You should go on one of those sugar daddy websites.” “She can’t date anyone 50 or older. That’s my rule. Although that would be funny to hear the stories. Maybe one date,” Q advised. “Maybe you should date someone in their twenties,” her coworker suggested. “I’m not doing that again,” I replied.


“Speaking of bad dates,” I said and then told them about a creeper from work who appears to be trying to ask me out. The Responsible One has the privilege of working with him and when I told her about my interactions with him she did not hesitate to provide feedback. “He is the creep of the week. Thought for sure he was a pedophile when I met him,” she said and added, “You should be flattered.” “Flattered?!?!” I asked. “Why? And why do you no longer think he is a pedophile?” “I think he is. That’s why I thought you should be flattered. He must think you are very young,” The Responsible One quipped. “I love that!” Q’s coworker told The Responsible One. “I totally plan to use that line on people from now on.”


By the end of lunch, the subject had been changed and I managed to escape their dating plans for me. Which is fine for now because, according to The Responsible One’s theory, I’m very young, thus, have a lot of life and dating ahead of me.

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