Love with Joe

For several weeks Sleepless has invited me to experience “Love with Joe,” with her. Italian classes with Alice, which I dearly miss –  mi manchi Alice – initially prevented me from being able to join in the festivities. More recently, work was the preventive factor.

Last Tuesday, I promised Sleepless I would go to work early so I could meet up with her and Joe at six. When I arrived, Sleepless was ready to go. I hurried back to change into something more appropriate. By the time I had changed, Sleepless, Joe and another woman were already going at it. Initially, Joe wanted to put me in the middle, but quickly changed his mind and had me on the side of the other woman.

It became clear that doing an ergo with Risk John at work was simply nowhere near what I needed. As Joe so eloquently put it, “You need to be realigned – your core is all messed up.” I asked Joe if he thought I should go to a chiropractor. “You don’t need a chiropractor. You’ve got Joropractor, Joga, Joaerobic, Jo-It-All.”

As we were leaving, I told Sleepless she needed to change the name of this class to Asskicking with Joe. He literally kicked my ass and reminded me of something my mother told me years ago, “I took you out of dance for your own good, you have no coordination.” Joordinator believes this is fixable with some simple core exercises. I hope so. I’m looking forward to the day when I really think of this as Love with Joe – “message” free. I can make my own happy ending. With a few proper squats I’ll have a rear-end that will make me and many others very happy to see.

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