Justified. Holla. Word up.

Like a slug, it took me a bit of time to get to work today. The fact that I ran into the back of a car going nowhere probably didn’t help. Truth is out. I am the reason I cannot have nice things.

Luckily, Sleepless saved me from my day and invited me to join her and The Scotts for drinks. The Scotts are a band of brothers who were supposed to join us last night, however, did not.

Scot-tea was a good time –  for sure. A while back he was given a company phone. He was at home, watching the Haiti Relief special, and was compelled to donate $10 because a child appeared to have lost her legs in the earthquake. Later, he realized he made the donation on his company phone. He immediately contacted the fiscal office at his agency and, within no time, was written up for misappropriating company funds for Haitian relief. That’ll teach him.

Eventually, Venn met up with us. Venn was set on telling us about set/venn diagrams. I had pulled out my notebook and he asked if I was taking minutes. I replied, “Why do you need minutes when you can have seconds.” Nothing. He gave me no response. Not even a Venn diagram. Sleepless and Scot-tea had been drinking pear cider, however, Scot-tea wasn’t “really feeling it.” He saw the waitress walk by with another table’s order and decided to order tea – white rose tea. I was chatting with Sleepless about something raunchy and Scot-tea was pouring tea into his cup while listening to our convo. Out of the blue, again, while pouring tea, he looked at us and said, “Justified. Word Up.” We replied with “Holla!” and then told him we found it funny that he was word uppin’ with tea. His response, “White Rose, Bitch.” Nice.

After gorging ourselves with shots and deep fried desserts, we made our way to pick up Tree. Venn stated he wanted to join us, however, preferred to take his own vehicle. He asked for my mobile number and Sleepless and I decided he really hadn’t earned it. I gave him the area code and told him he might get the suffix later.

On the way to pick up Tree, Sleepless and I were cozied up in the back. A blue and red light kept flashing in the back seat. After a few weird perimeter checks, we realized it was the paddle ball toy in the car. Sleepless had been very concerned that it might be lights and sirens. Luckily, Scot-tea was driving, so we were in good hands. With or without lights and siren.

Met up with Tree and then made our way to the karaoke bar.  Scot-Tea opted to bail after a bad mixed drink. Tree, Venn, Sleepless and I opted to stay until we were on the mic: Wanna be by Spice Girls. A total tearjerker. Although we gave it our best, no one was really interested. So, we wrapped it up with, “We won’t be here next week,” and “Justified. Holla. Word up!” The karaoke manager shouted back, “Whatever, you’ll be here again next week.” True dat.

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