
The last time I saw Papa J, we saw Juno together, in a movie theater. Juno was released in December 2007. It’s been a while.


We met up where we always do, and where we spent most of our time as teenagers, the mall. This time, Papa J had five teenage girls in tow – two of her own and three of their friends. Although they set off to do their own thing, we occasionally met up with them to make sure no mayhem was ensuing. “I like to point out cute boys to them. I always find myself looking at young boys, you know in their twenties,” Papa J told me and added, “It’s not because I’m into young boys, it’s because I keep forgetting I’m old.” “They call that a cougar,” I advised her.


On one occasion, when the kids met up with us, Papa J told them what she and I used to do when trolling for boys at the mall, “She would always call dibs on the cute ones.” “Yep. That’s why she ended up with your dad. Just kidding, he’s handsome,” I told her kids. Her husband  reminds me of Ice Cream Man – they both end up putting up with a lot of my antics.


As we left the mall, Papa J advised we had to do this again soon, “And we have to dress up. I’m thinking different themes.” “Something I am very used to doing,” I told her, then showed her the picture of Sleepless and I retrieving Ice Cream Man from the airport. “Yes, this is exactly what I”m thinking and then some,” she replied then got distracted by some cubs. “Dibs,” I exclaimed.



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