On contact

While preparing for a day with Oreggano and the wee ones, I decided to clean up a few spider webs near my doorway. As I was doing so, I noticed a huge, furry, black spider crawling toward the kitchen. I immediately grabbed the roach spray, guaranteed to ‘kill on contact’ and started spraying. Nothing happened. So, I smashed the spider with the can and, as guaranteed, it was killed on contact.


Oreggano arrived and we headed to a yard sale for one reason, well, two, really: Navajo tacos and frybread. We found a spot on the lawn and started eating. I soon noticed my paper plate seemed to be giving way. “I’m pretty sure I’ve cut through my plate,” I told Oreggano. “I have a feeling I may be eating my plate,” she replied. After we ate as much as we could, and still had what appeared to be quite a bit leftover, Oreggano attempted to lift her plate. As thought,  however, she had eaten right through it and her taco was now in direct contact with the grass. Luckily, it was pesticide free so that we, unlike the spider, weren’t killed on contact.

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