Stray Cat, what?

The Napa Valley is a place I hold like a glass of wine – very dear to my heart. Several years ago I was visiting Napa with Q, MyFace and Fru Fru Pants and staying at a posh resort. While MyFace watched football in the bar, Fru Fru Pants was ou the phone and Q and I were doing what one is supposed to do: tasting wine in the wine cave.


While there, we stumbled upon a couple who, like us, did what they were supposed to do in wine country. As we chatted the woman and I realized we were clearly destined to meet – perhaps even separated at birth. We came to this conclusion when we noticed we both shared the same cheek dimple. We bonded immediately, took pictures, and vowed to stay in touch with our long lost and now found dimple sister.


Three years later our dimples remain, as does our connection. As luck would have it, again, we were both in Napa at the same time this year. So, while sniffing and swirling at a vineyard, Dimple Sister and Stray Cat met up with MiniMe, CounterCat, Center Counsel and Mrs. SwissAir.


In addition to being excited to see each other again, Dimple Sister was excited to meet some of the (blog) characters in my life. As we discussed the year of the rabbit – a year Dimple Sister will never forget, Counter Cat said, “I can’t believe you didn’t know about the rabbit.” “She doesn’t need to with me,” Stray Cat proudly replied. The discussion turned to namesakes and Stray Cat advised me, “I used to be known as Straight Guy.” “What? Straight Guy? Really? What’s changed?” I asked. “Not Straight Guy, Stray Cat,” he corrected me and strutted away. “Oh, Stray Cat. I see it now,” I said. I then looked toward Dimple Sister, we ‘winked’ with our dimples, took a sip of wine and celebrated the fact that they strayed this way.

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