Bathroom Brawl

Immediately upon entering an “inner-city” bar, two things happened: MiniMe got ID’ed and I got the key so we could pee. Being that the bar was small and right off a main street, their was only one toilet and it was highly coveted.


With MiniMe in the bathroom, and two more ladies in line behind me, I advised them I was going to take the key back to the bar so none of us had to take it in with us. I quickly did so, returned to my place in line and, seconds later, a large black woman – with the key in her hand – shoved passed the two women behind me, and attempted to open the door. “There is already someone in there and there is a line,” I kindly advised her. She raised the hand with the key and replied, “I’m going in. I’ve got the key and I’ve got to pee.” “We all need to pee – that’s why we’re in line,” I told her. “Well I’ve got to go bad and I’ve got the key. You have to have the key to pee. Bar rules,” she snapped back.


At this point, the petite Asian girl behind me couldn’t take anymore and started arguing with the woman. I intervened and offered to let her go in before me. She accepted this offer (and most likely would have gone next even if I hadn’t offered), and as she shut the door the Asian girl started to say, “What kind of person…” Her friend immediately cut her off, “Let it go. She is three times bigger than you.” Seconds later, the woman opened the bathroom door, handed me the key (which was now wrapped with wet paper towels – one of the reasons I didn’t want the key) and immediately started “talking” to the Asian girl with her hands while yelling at her with mouth, “What kind of person? What kind of person? You want to finish your sentence?” I took advantage of having the wet key and quickly entered the bathroom so I could both pee and avoid a beating.


When I exited, and didn’t see her there, I asked the two ladies, still patiently waiting in line, what happened. “The bartender told her to knock it off and then told us she is crazy.” “Speaking of crazy, the key is right there and, as you now know, bar rules – you’ve got to have the key to pee,” I told them while gesturing to the towel covered key on the sink. Next time, I’m keeping the key to myself.

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