Bay Area Style

Immediately after landing in the Bay Area, CounterCat took MiniMe and I to her lakeside place of employment for cocktails.


CounterCat had a few things to finish, so we saddled up at the bar and enjoyed some of their house specialties – one of which is what we refer to as, “the bigger than your face margarita.”


As we imbibed, I noticed MiniMe was observing something with great admiration – herself in the mirror directly across from us. Thus, while others watched the games on TV, we watched ourselves.


“You like sitting where you can see yourself?” I asked her. “Yes,” she replied. “See this scar on my face?” I asked and gestured toward my right eye. “Which one?” she asked, not looking away from her reflection. “Which one? Really? This one,” I replied. “Oh, yes. That’s more of an indent than a scar,” she advised me.


As we continued to imbibe, I was observing the bartenders mix drinks. One of them was only wearing one glove and his zipper appeared to be down. “Wearing one glove doesn’t help matters,” I told MiniMe and added, “Just ask Michael Jackson. Or OJ, for that matter.”


Our bartender checked in and I alerted him to the zipper situation. “I tell him that all of the time. It is supposed to look like that,” he said while providing hand gestures for additional explanation, then said, “Bay Area Style.”


He then dumped a small Corona in MiniMe’s margarita and said, “Also Bay Area Style.”

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