I remember you….

While at a training today someone approached me and said, “Hey, I am so sorry I didn’t say ‘hi’ earlier, I didn’t realize it was you. After you made a few smartass remarks I realized it. Really sorry about that.” “No worries,” I replied and added, “Every now and again we see someone, think we probably know them, however have no idea who they might be.” That was exactly what was happening with me at that moment.


Later in the evening MiniMe convinced me to take her out to eat. I let her pick the restaurant and when we arrived we found That’s Not Chinese on a date. “Come over here. Join us.” We did and she reminded her date that she had met MiniMe on Valentine’s Day. “Remember?” she asked. Nope, nobody remembered because it didn’t happen. Awkward. That’s Not Chinese quickly realized her error, provided clarification and was saved by the waiter who approached, greeted MiniMe, then turned to me and said, “I remember you.”


“Yes, yes, you do,” I confirmed. “She was drunk,” he told the ladies. “Weren’t you drunk too?” I asked. “I was working,” he replied. “Hmmm. Pretty sure he was drunk,” I whispered to That’s Not Chinese. ” Once he walked away, I explained that he was my server the last time I was there – with Sleepless and Ice Cream Man after being chased off private property by a very angry troll.


As we dined, he would check in on us and, most of the time, the conversation was good. Like when MiniMe told us “I’m having sex because I’m agnostic.” “If I have sex it’s going to be because I’m horny,” I advised. “I have sex,” was That’s Not Chinese’s retort.


We paid our bill, tipped him well – because he was good and he remembers us – and made our way out the door, at which time he shouted out, “Stay classy.” Oh, we will.

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