Old English for ‘Horny’

Being the responsible people we are, That’s Not Chinese, So Hip and I decided to take a cab from a concert. I made the call and, within minutes, the driver arrived.


As soon as we got in the cab his phone started ringing. I don’t remember the ringtone, but That’s Not Chinese – who reported hearing problems as a result of the second to last song played at the concert – was hearing the ringtone and his telephone conversation with great clarity.


Apparently, he had dropped someone off and told him he would be right back to get them. When they called for the ride, he lied, and told them he was in a city approximately 15 miles away. “I heard that,” That’s Not Chinese told him. “I like you. Can I get your card?” So Hip asked.


The cab driver gave her his card and then told us about one of his best customers whom he drives around all over town,”I’m like her personal driver.” “Well you can be my personal driver,” So Hip told him.

As we arrived at That’s Not Chinese’s house, he decided to introduce himself, “I’m Randy. That’s Old English for ‘horny.'” We laughed, he made a couple of comments about boobs and drove away.


“Funniest cab ride ever,” So Hip said. “I would never ride alone with that guy,” I added. “No, never,” she and That’s Not Chinese said in unison.


‘Randy,’ pretty sure that is Old English for creepy cabbie.

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