Healthy, not wealthy, and wise

Being healthy and happy are two of my primary objectives in life. Thus, when I found out about Obama Condoms, I was ecstatic! I was even more ecstatic when I got a chance to try and win some of their condoms. When I found out I won, ecstatic. When I came home to find them sticking out of my (mail) box, I should have been wearing leakproof panties from Carol Wright – totally ecstatic!


Later that day, I found another prize on my stoop – MC Static Cling and Mini Sparkle Donut. I invited them in and did as I do with most of my house guests, offered them food and drink. After MC Static Cling finished his tomato soup and crackers (my standard dish for him), I asked if he would like an apple. “No, thanks. I’ve got a hot doctor,” he wisely replied.


Around this same time, I was messaging with Sleepless and told her to wait for something. Staying in theme, and not evening knowing it, she replied, “I’m patient. At least that’s what my doctor tells me.”


Happy and healthy. Between my friends and my Obama Condoms, I’ve got that covered – literally.


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