Need: Jeans

I am so excited today.
Every now and again, I make snippy little remarks and, every now and again, they pay off. Today was payday.


Several years ago YumYummy and I were hanging out in Times Square and thought it might be fun to try peddling some of the tourist items. Scarves are nice, as are purses, but Obama Condoms are awesome. I sold several of the condoms (Obama, Palin, McCain) and this weekend, while tooling around on the Obama Condoms facebook page, I saw this Community Question: “What’s everyone doing for the weekend? Best answer get’s free condoms!!!” I decided to reply, even though I knew I had ‘stiff’ competition of two other fans. My reply, “Hopeful my old, but not expired, thin resume will get me a job drilling somewhere.”


Today, I received a response from them letting me know I won and asking for my address so they can mail the condoms. I was so excited, I knew I needed to get out of this skirt and into some jeans so I could cream them. Before doing that, I sent a reply, “Yeah! Sending it to you now. I’m so full of black hope right now I could scream!”


Now all I need is the next and 25th letters in the alphabet: KY!

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