Surprise Party

Within a few hours of arriving at our lovely home away from home, it became apparent we might be the Salahis of Surprise, aka party crashers – a concept and practice I’ve always enjoyed. The community in which we were residing was very retirement friendly. As a result, dating odds weren’t good, unless you’re into taking your teeth out at night.

That’s Not Chinese and MyFace made the room decisions while Q and I were getting massages and facials.  That’s Not Chinese got the private casita, MyFace got the master bedroom and Q and I got our own rooms with a shared bathroom. One morning Q said to me, “You don’t make any noise when you sleep and you don’t move much – you just kind of lay there, like you’re dead.” It took a minute before I thought the latter part of her comment was strange. Once I figured that out, I asked Q if she came into my room in the middle of the night and watched me sleep. She said “yes,” and I told her I had  a feeling that may have been the case.

In addition to having a very luxurious living arrangement, we also had a private pool, so we didn’t have to go to the clubhouse pool – probably a win-win for everyone. MyFace and I decided to hold our own version of the olympics/senior games and had tube races across the pool. It was after this event that I decided I would take up the art of the tube. Q was also my inspiration, when she unsuccessfully attempted to pull the tube over her head and baby bloated belly. By the end of the vacation I was able to jump right into the center of the tube without incident. I’ve got to figure out a good way to briefly share this skill on my resume. I may also consider being a Navy Seal.

One evening we were on the patio, enjoying the warm evening air, when MyFace suggested a toast. I’m not sure what had happened to my drink (I can only assume someone drank it), so I raised my glass of water. MyFace was having no part of this, “You can’t cheer with water, that’s bad luck.” This explains a lot of things. 

Towards the last part of the trip we finally saw a neighbor. Most of the homeowners only come around in the winter, so outside of the people whose party we crashed at the clubhouse, there were very few people out and about. The next door neighbor could hear us in the pool and thought she would check in on us. MyFace explained to her who she knew and why we were there. The neighbor didn’t seem too interested in that information, but was very interested in the answer to her next question, “How long are you staying?” Today, as we were leaving, we noticed a “For Sale” sign in the neighbor’s yard – hope it wasn’t the tube talent that drove her away.

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