In Your Dreams

Just when I think it has been a while since I’ve had sex, someone tells me they had sex with me – in their dreams.


Sleepless was the first to confess such carnal somnia. It was almost a year ago and as far as I know we haven’t had sex since. This time, it was I Was A Stripper. Unlike Sleepless, who told me at breakfast with MyFace, Opreggano and Q in the room, I Was A Stripper told me via email. The subject line read, “Damn Girl,” and the email read, “I had a nasty dream about you! Thought  you might like to know:-) lol”


It was nice to know. Although, the ‘lol’ made it a little less sensual.


All of this activity involving me without me reminded me of a line I once heard in prison:


Inmate: Are your legs tired?

Me: No.

Inmate: They should be – you’ve been running through my mind all day.


It appears all of my physical activities – day or night – have been outsourced. Hopefully, I’ll be cleaning soon – in your dreams.

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