Oh, that voice.

I’ve been doing karaoke for so long and so often that I often wonder if, in fact, I may be Asian. I will definitely have to check with That’s Not Chinese. It isn’t that she is into genealogy, she really only cares about ‘blood’ when she is at a family reunion and sees a hot, new attendee, who may or may not be related. Being that she isn’t from Kentucky, she likes to steer clear of kissing her cousins or any other relatives for that matter. She is, however, a self-claimed expert on all things Chinese. In addition, she is a cat expert and activist, so having her present when Bruiser’s husband commented to On My Terms about my singing may have been helpful, “Somebody needs to shoot that cat.” Me-ouch.


As we discussed Bruiser’s husband’s comment over coffee, On My Terms tried to play it down and convince me he was referring to La La Lovely. “No, I meant her,” he said with confirmation while nodding my way. His friend started talking and we all stopped what we were doing to hear what he had to say. He had a great voice. I’m sure he had heard it before, but I had to say something, “You’ve got a great radio voice. Have you ever thought about doing radio or just calling in with questions?” Turns out he hadn’t, but he does like cats.




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