Party Edition

Gotta love Fridays. Started the day chatting with That’s Not Chinese and giving her a ride to work. I came home to find OregganO in her kerchief, and Dr. BJ in his graduation cap, MJ was still sleeping in the back – long evening nap. The Leaver was on the porch. I don’t blame her, if I had walked in on this group, not knowing who they were (which she didn’t), I’d have stayed outside too.

We had a lovely birthday/graduation breakfast, complete with mimosas and Irish coffees – embracing a little bit of everyone’s Irish culture. The German pancakes were in honor of OregganO’s culture. Had That’s Not Chinese stayed, she probably would have told Oreggano that she is not German, clearly Turkish (must have been the fakin’ bacon). OregganO was telling The Leaver about her morning (even though it had only been ‘morning’ for about 49 minutes) and advised her, “I’m unemployed.” The Leaver asked, “Really? You’re unemployed.” OregganO replied, “No, no, I’m a realtor.” She forgot to mention she is also my attorney.

The Leaver was in rare form. We later found out it was her birthday (when she sent a text thanking me for the birthday breakfast. Who knew? She knew.). Prior to The Leaver leaving, she posed a very interesting question about, well, bits and pieces. This, of course, was after the first and most important question she posed, “How do you like my combover?” We liked it. Anyway, her second question resulted in a lot of googling and wikipediaing – where a woman with the last name of Cornforth provided some answers. The Leaver was embarrassed by her question, so I wrote her a note telling her it was OK. She told me she was going to put the note in her treasure box, with her slingshot. A few minutes later she couldn’t find the note and admitted she hadn’t read it. Hmmmm.

Today is a big day for Dr. BJ because he gets to ‘walk’ at his graduation, after which, party at my house. Dr. BJ wore his graduation gown and hood – thanks to MJ for ‘hooding’ him and, yes, MJ followed the hooding instructions. When Dr. BJ abruptly stripped off his gown we were all shocked to see…..his plaid pants. He was wearing the hell out of his plaid golf pants and asked if his butt looked big in them. We told him he had PhBoo-D (pronounced Ph Booty).

Carmas With A ‘K’ stopped by the party and was representin’. He quite enjoyed overhearing another party goer inform us that she likes the chub, but doesn’t like the chub-E. Upon hearing that he glanced my way and quipped, “Blogworthy,” and a few minutes later told me, “your notepad is wiley.”‘

The Leaver joined in the festivities again and we decided to smoke her eyes out – why not, it’s her birthday. Girl’s Girl loved that we were ‘playing make up’ at the party and shared a story about tanning with us. She does a little cooch covering during her tanning session, so as to avoid vaginal melanoma – primarily because she doesn’t want to tell or show her doctor why and how she tans. Smart Girl’s Girl.  

Before The Leaver left (she does that a lot), OregganO pulled out one of the Avon Fashions jumpsuits and suggested she wear it – to compliment the smoky eyes. The Leaver respectfully declined, so I donned it with a white sweat headband. I’ll Call You Later II, who would have a boat and really love his wife if he was in a Real Housewives reality tv show, saw my jumpsuit and said “Whats that?, Oh, just  a nightgown.” I’ll Call You Later II should probably not audition to be a host on What Not to Wear.

As the evening progressed, we were graced with the presence of many of my blogs finest contributors and readers. Even Skiwi stopped by with  Disco Dancing Dog Groomer, if Disco Dancing Dog Groomer “edited” others as often as Carmas Wiht A ‘K,’ I would call her Spell Czech. But, she doesn’t, instead she disco dances with No Action Jaxon, all the while clipping his nails – it is both a sight to see and an amazing talent.

Carmas With A ‘K’ and I decided to eat the snickers off of the cupcakes – we had too. We started to feel a little guilty about leaving the cupcakes void of the snickers, so we replaced them with broccoli, cherry tomatoes and pita bread. Plaid Poly was appalled, “I would not ruin food – that’s against the Lord’s law.” Carmas With A ‘K’ agreed with Plaid Poly. He didn’t, however, agree with the skirt Oprah was wearing today. He totally agrees with and loves Tiger Beat magazine. Interesting.

After everyone left and the party was over, I remembered to give Dr. BJ our gift, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Party Edition, he was proper impressed and said he liked it best. We reviewed it for party potential and found there was none. MJ was hellbent on finding the party potential, found some sparkles on the cover, and determined it was the sparkles that made it the party edition. I looked on my skin and found some sparkles too. Looks like I’m also the party edition.

4 thoughts on “Party Edition”

  1. What a great night. DDDG was in fine form! And you: definitely the hostess with the mostest! We wish we could have danced all night!

  2. I really don’t remember the Tiger Beat magazine comment at all!

  3. DDDG is always in fine form! So glad you stopped by – next time we’ll dance all night and I’ll be sure to pull out all of my best disco cds!

  4. That was probably one of my favorite comments made by you. Definitely blogworthy! Even Dr. BJ got in the middle of that conversation. I believe OregganO was still there as well. Thanks for keeping me grammatically correct:)

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