Nice nets

This morning I was chatting with The Leaver about body size. She is convinced that the voluptious woman is “coming back.” As we continued to discuss this topic, her conviction grew, “Trust me on this, I start a lot of things,” she told me. “You start a lot of things,” I queried, “what have you started?” Her reply, “This, right now, the comeback of the voluptious woman. Just wait, you’ll see.”

Shortly after my discussion with The Leaver, I met up with Fru Fru Pants. The Leaver was spot on. Fru Fru Pants had spoken with me in the morning and told me she was wearing a dress that was, perhaps, too short, making her “look like a tramp.” To fix that, she threw on a jacket and some tights. Short no more, just voluptious. Not wanting her to feel alone in her attire, I donned some fishnets and boots with my dress. Fru Fru Pants appreciated the support and, together, we decided I trumped her tramp.

Later on, I stopped by the store to pick up some buttons and nectarines, a day after Cinco de Mayo tradition. While making my way to the produce department a fellow patron looked my way, gave a nod of the head, and said, “Nice nets.”  I’ve come to the conclusion that two things are coming back: voluptious women and fishnets. Just wait, you’ll see.

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