I nude better

MissInformation, The Responsible One and I were traveling South for work and, to avoid having to drive into the office, MissInformation agreed to pick me up from my home. The plan was to head out at ten so, knowing they are both notorious for being on time, I planned to be ready by 9:50.


I began getting ready around 9 and, by 9:30, I was doing great, right on schedule. As I was blowdrying my hair, I thought it might be a good idea to plug in the camera battery so we could take pictures and do a few dash cam videos while out and about. With my round hair brush in my hair, attempting to manage my cowlick, I exited the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. It was at this time that the doorbell rang.


Being that I live in a small house, my kitchen is right next to my bathroom. In order to access the kitchen, one has to pass by a doorway that is visible from the front door, which has a window. Standing at my door, twenty minutes early, was MissInformation (she lived up to her name today). Standing in the kitchen doorway, was me, buck naked. I, of course, gasped and quickly tried to cover my tits and wobbly bits. With, however, only two hands, this wasn’t easy. Thus, I dashed to the corner of the kitchen and assessed my surroundings. As I suspected, there were no items in the kitchen that I could use to cover me bits. So, I did what any naked person in my position would do, I acted ‘natural,’ casually walked by the doorway, gave her the ‘one minute’ sign, and grabbed my robe.


“Sorry about that,” I told MissInformation as I opened the door. “That has only happened one other time, with a salesman.” “No worries, I really couldn’t see anything,” she replied. “Really? Nothing?” I asked. “I saw a silhouette, and I could tell you were naked,” said MissInformation. “Hmmm, hope I looked good. Again, sorry, but you weren’t supposed to be here until ten.” “I’m early and you should get a curtain. No wonder your neighbor watches from across the way,” she told me. “I’ve got a curtain, but I don’t like to use it. You may be on to something. I should nude better.”

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