Dash was taken

I’ve been spending a bit of time on the road lately; most of this time has been spent by myself. To make the most of this experience, I equip my car with my version of an iPod – a bag of CDs from the library, a microphone, chili lime plantain chips, and my camera.


Several hundred miles into my road trip, I started thinking about how much easier it would be to chat with others and share my travel experiences if I had a dash cam. Cops have them, why can’t I? So, I took my point & shoot camera, used the safety strap to hang it from my rearview mirror, and began filming. There are various film techniques commonly used in the field of cinematography. These techniques include, but are not limited to, fly on the wall (one of my favorites), reverse angle, and swish pan. As I set up my shot, I decided this was a new technique which I now refer to as sideways sway. This it because the only way I could hang my camera was sideways and because it was hanging it regularly swayed from side-to-side.


The footage I got was incredible. Definitely film fest worthy. I got home and immediately uploaded it to youtube. As I shared this new technique with MissInformation, she informed me, “You really need to set up a website dedicated to this incredible film work. How about dash.com?” “Nope, it’s taken. It’s a soap company,” I informed her. One would think she would know that with a name like MissInformation. “I’ve got it,” she excitedly told me, “hypencuzdashistaken. It’s perfect!”

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