Trick and Treat

While dining with MyFace, Opreggano, Sleepless and Ice Cream Man, MyFace shared stories with us about her recent trip to Italy. “It was truly lovely, but I do not want to go on another trip, anytime soon, where I have to work and learn to do things.” “What kind of work did you have to do?” Sleepless asked. “I had to figure out how to put gas in the car for one thing,” she replied. “It’s much easier to just sit at a beach, reading a book, and having people bring you drinks,” Opreggano consoled.


MyFace continued to tell us about her trip and mentioned she needs to change her book choices. “What do you read?” I asked. “Books about terrorism, serial murders and that,” she replied. “Yes, you should really change your selection,” Sleepless agreed. MyFace was reading a book about terrorism on the plane when the passenger next to her – a man with dreadlocks and facial hair – got up to go to the bathroom. “We hadn’t even taken off, so I was sure he was planting a bomb in the bathroom. He returned and about 30 minutes later he went to another bathroom on the plane. I thought to myself, ‘Yep, this is it, we’re dying on the plane.’ I hadn’t even had a drink yet. He returned again and, a little while later, jumped out of his seat, ran down the aisle and hit the ground.”


“What happened next?” we all asked. “Well, as it turns out, he was a doctor and had noticed a woman who had stood up and was about to pass out, so he jumped up and helped her. It was then I realized I needed to change books. I set my book down and watched Mr. Popper’s Penguins. From now on, Harlequin romances.” “What happened to the lady?” I asked. “I don’t know. I was worried they were going to make us stop in JFK because of all that. Luckily, they didn’t.”


“You just went from ‘this guy is a terrorist,’ to ‘we’re all going to die,’ to ‘ I hadn’t had a drink,’ to ‘he helped a lady,’ to ‘this flight better not get delayed by a stop at JFK,'” Ice Cream Man observed. “That’s right. Welcome to girls night out,” MyFace replied.


“Oh, I’m loving it. This Halloween girls night out has been both a trick and a treat,” he stated.



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