Relationship status: unchanged

While speaking with S-Unit on the phone, night was falling. “Wait a second, I’ve got to make a wish, it’s a crescent moon. You’ve got to make one too, this crescent moon isn’t just in California,” she advised me. Her excitement about the crescent moon reminded me of my coworkers excitement the other day when we were drinking Tecate and watching Ancient Aliens on the History channel. Each time the announcer would segway into a new discovery, my coworker would say, “Hold on to your ass, this is about to get crazy.” For some, perhaps astronomical, reason, her excitement about the moon reminded me of my coworker’s excitement about the aliens.


“Did you make a wish?” she asked me. “Yes,” I replied. We then went on to discuss a dream her mother had. “I really liked the dream,” she told me. “In it, the Virgin Mary told my mother I would be married. Maybe I’ll meet my dream guy on 11-11-11.” “That would be good. Then you could marry him on 12-12-12,” I replied. S-Unit had originally set a goal of being married on 11-11-11. It was good to have a goal, unfortunately, she didn’t and still doesn’t have a ‘steady.’


“What are you doing tonight?” I asked her. “I’ve got a date with my DVR,” she replied. “Maybe you should change your status on facebook to ‘in a relationship with myself,'” I told her. “Good idea. You should try it too,”she told me.


So I did, again. I’d tried it once a while back and it didn’t work, but I had wished upon a crescent moon tonight, thus, circumstances were slightly different. While donning a cape and top hat I had just purchased, I clicked on ‘edit profile’ and attempted to be in a relationship with me. I selected ‘Save Changes,’ and received the message, ‘You cannot create a relationship with yourself.’ “Hmm,” I thought to myself. Just then, MiniMe and Striker appeared at the front door. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Oh, nothing,” I replied. Even though facebook didn’t allow it, clearly, I was sitting at home, by myself, donning a cape and top hat, being in a relationship with myself. Eric Carmen would not know what to do with all of this.

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