Fresh, please.

The other day I was telling Sleepless that I was thinking of writing a book, “It will be about my dating experience. Chelsea Handler did it, why can’t I?” “Don’t you think you might need some recent stuff?” “OK, OK. Can you just pull over so I can get out? I can’t believe you just said that,” I replied. “I can’t believe I just said it either,” she said laughing. “No, seriously, pull over. I look pretty good today and that corner looks slow. I’m sure I could get some business, I mean, recent stuff.” “You’ll get something, that’s for sure,” Sleepless quipped.
Nothing like a challenge to get me going. So, the next night, I thought about what she said. Baby steps. With a trip to New York in my future (tomorrow), I figured I might be able to pull it off (pun intended).


I got to the airport and headed to the First Class/Priority check-in. Much like dating, my travels haven’t been as frequent or recent as I’d prefer, so I no longer have First Class/Priority status. Like Sleepless, the airline agent advised me of this situation. “Did someone tell you to check-in here? You’re not Priority status.” I had a feeling I wasn’t, but really believe in the fake it ’til you make it theory. “No? That’s odd,” I said. “You don’t have enough miles – you need a few thousand more for that status,” she replied and kindly added, “But I’ll go ahead and check you in.”


In addition to needing fresh stories, I need fresh miles. I’m hoping since the agent had mercy on me and checked me in, New Yorkers will have mercy on me and check me out.





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