Not my first luau

While informing others like they have never been informed before, Nick-e approached us. “I need two volunteers to do some dirty work.” Sleepless and 2Dew immediately agreed to assist – no questions asked. I maintained my position at the Information Desk – microphone in hand and ready to ‘demonstrate’ the karaoke machine.


A few minutes later, 2Dew returned. “I’ve got to get ready to lei people, so you’re going to need to do the dirty work.” When one reads this, it doesn’t sound too bad. When one hears it, it sounds a little dirty – made me wonder who was really doing the dirty work.


Sleepless and I did the dirty work, which wasn’t as dirty as we had hoped. It’s not the first time we’ve been concierge level. We returned to find 2Dew had lei’d pretty much everyone at the conference and was sitting at a front table. When we walked in, she remained at her table. “Looks like we’ll have to lei ourselves,” Sleepless noted and then changed her mind, “I’ll lei you and then you can lei me. That just seems right.” So, we did.


We made our way to the front table, with 2Dew and Day Job, and waited for our lunch to be served. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive a plate for some time. Fortunately, Sleepless was willing to share her plate with me. Again, seemed right. One should be able to share food with someone, especially if they just lei’d them. Pretty soon, the performers began and the drummer/announcer was providing all kinds of entertainment – both in song and in word. “Keep your eyes on the hips or the story will be missed,” “Look at him just throwing his balls around.” The last dance involved throwing money, “The Princess will dance alone and you will throw money on the stage.” “That sounds familiar,” said Sleepless who recently frequented a strip club. 2Dew followed up with an announcement to us, “I’ve got plenty of ones. I even know how to fold ’em.”


After the dance, we returned to our informing duties only to learn that we had become the Lost and Found department as well. An attendee lost her phone and charged us with locating it. “I’m such a loser,” she told us. I guess that is true, literally speaking. “I’ve lost things before, but no one told me I was a loser. Easy, maybe, but not a loser,” I told Sleepless and 2Dew. 2Dew shook her head and left the table to begin looking for the phone. “Hey, while you’re looking for her phone, will you try and find my virginity?” I asked her. She returned a few minutes later and said, “No luck. It’s been years since anyone has seen your virginity.” “Touché,” Sleepless stated. “Sof beverage,” 2Dew quipped. I’m pretty sure it is there somewhere. I think I’ll check the corner of the lobby again tomorrow.

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