Pretty Funny

During one of our regular telephone calls, S-Unit and I were discussing people with and without a sense of humor. “Well, you can’t really be both pretty and funny, so I’m just funny,” S-Unit advised me. “That’s pretty funny,” I replied.


The Leaver is one of those people with an unintentional sense of humor. She frequently asks, “Are you laughing at me?” We have to reassure her that we aren’t necessarily laughing at her, but that what she says is often very funny. After which, she’ll say something like, “I’m funny. You didn’t know that, did you? I was joking earlier.” The latter part is most often untrue, which makes what she said funny, yet again.


Sleepless and I are firm believers in the fact that we are funny. So much so, that we are constantly providing each other funny affirmations about our funniness. One day, while having drinks and affirmating each other, Sleepless received a text message which read, “You’re funny.” Nothing like external affirmation except, of course, internal affirmation.


“Hmmm,” Sleepless pondered. “How should I respond?” “Good question. I mean, you definitely want to keep it funny. How about this, “I’m pretty funny. I’m even funnier in bed, but that’s not funny,'” I suggested. She provided me an affirmation I could never reciprocate (she winked) and then sent the text.


Who doesn’t like a good laugh in bed? It’s gigglegasmic.

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