OUT and About

As I was driving home from work I received a call from Fat Girl, “Come out with me to pinkdot. Support your gays!” “What? When?” I asked. “Tonight at 5:30,” he replied. “It’s 5:30 right now and I’ve got to mow the lawn.” “Mow your lawn later.” “OK,” I agreed – I have such a hard time saying no.


We arrived at the event just as they formed the pinkdot and released the pink balloons into the air. “Great. We missed it,” Fat Girl said with disappointment. “It’s still going on, let’s mingle,” I advised. Fat Girl introduced me to some of his friends who asked why he hadn’t been to the clubs lately. “I don’t really get out much,” he told them. “Are you kidding me? You are one of the outtest guys I know,” I replied. “I know,” he giggled.


Dr. BJ soon joined us, however, since Fat Girl could not realistically come out any more than he already had, we all decided to leave. “I’m heading to Passed The Sniff Test’s house for a beer. Join me?” Dr. BJ asked us. “OK,” I agreed (remember, I have a hard time saying no) and asked, “Do you have beer that you’re taking over?” “No, I’m drinking his beer. He told me to stop by for a beer,” Dr. BJ replied. “We have to take beer. You can’t just stop by to knowingly drink at someone’s house and not take something. Trust me, I know, I took an etiquette class with Opreggano and BioMom. Look, we’re in the hood near the Mav, let’s go in and at least buy some forties,” I advised.


Unfortunately, we weren’t as ‘hood’ as we thought – they didn’t have any forties. Instead, Dr. BJ agreed to buy a six-pack and we made our way to Passed The Sniff Test’s house. It took Fat Girl and I a while to get there, mostly because neither of us seemed to know where we were or where we were going – proof that we don’t get ‘out’ too often. By the time we found a parking spot we decided against walking down to the crosswalk. “Let’s just jaywalk,” Fat Girl suggested. “Not tonight. Tonight, it’s gaywalking,” I told him. “You’re right, we’re out, we should do this all over town,” Fat Girl suggested. “OK, but I’m not out, just about,” I reminded him.

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