Pumpin’ and Pimpin’

It’s been a while since FatGirl, Tree and I have hung out. Most likely because FatGirl is too busy taking advantage of his minority scholarship. Too nights ago, I called FatGirl to discuss his scholarship  – after sharing zero scholarship details we decided to hang out last night at one of the local gay bars for a scholarship fundraiser. As often happens in life, our plans changed when FatGirl got caught up with her origins.

Luckily, Area Man was frequenting a local pub, so I caught up with him, Dancing Dentist, Cult Leader and Call Me The Judge.  We were in the patio area, when I started “holding my arms.” Area Man asked if I was cold and I replied, “No, just touching my arms. They’re really soft.” Area Man then felt his arms and allowed me the same privilege. Definitely soft. He went on to tell me he was a hand model, until he starting getting injured and ended up with scars. Careless hand model.

While on the patio, we heard a bit of hip hop music. We looked out to the street and, on the sidewalk, saw Pimp Ass Madelyn with Chuck. Chuck was sportin’ a bicycle, lit up with neon purple lighting, a beer cooler strapped on the back and, what appeared to be hip hop music coming from Pimp Ass Madelyn’s box. Pimp Ass Madelyn was donning a lovely cougar print faux fur coat with a miniskirt and heels. After announcing to everyone, “That’s right were pimpin’!” she straddled the beer cooler, as only she could, and they pumped off into the moonlight.

2 thoughts on “Pumpin’ and Pimpin’”

  1. you summed up the evening so well. pimp ass madalyn wore the HELL out of that hat! however I was a little jealous of:

    a) her hat
    b) her chariot ride home

    if only area man could ride on a steed of pure blue neon and keystone light… sigh…

    my elbows sure are soft.

  2. So true, so true. She was ridin’ the hell out of that beer cooler as well. It is easy to covet Pimp Ass Madelyn, she had many luxuries. It is unsure, however, if she has soft bends. That is a luxury not everyone has, case in point, Cult Leader.

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