Bit of a situation

Last night Bond Girl and I met up with Aloha and MiniMe to take some out-of-town guests to dinner. Being that there were six of us, one of us had to ride in the trunk area of the vehicle. I don’t mind small, confined places, so I agreed to be the one.

Wanting to impress the out-of-towners with our lovely city, we headed toward the canyons. As we were making our way we had to come to a quick stop when a red mustang rolled out of a driveway and into the road, smackdab in front of our car. Nothing says “Welcome to our city” like a runaway vehicle that almost becomes one with yours.

Aloha was driving and quickly threw on the hazards. Bond Girl got out of the car to gather intel on the red mustang: no driver, doors locked, no keys in the ignition, temporary plate. She then knocked on the door at the house from which the mustang so quickly parted. No answer. I got on the phone with law enforcement and began describing the situation to dispatch. They asked the make, model and color of the vehicle in which I was riding. I yelled the question out to Aloha and said to the dispatcher, “I don’t know the type or color of the vehicle, I’m in the trunk.” And then added, “Hey, Aloha, tap once if the car is blue and twice if its black.”

Just then, the owner of the red mustang came out of the house. I have a feeling she was in the middle of a little S.O.S., which I hate to interrupt, but this was definitely a situation in need of attention.

This morning, at the hotel, one of the conference attendees approached a coworker and said, “We have a hot chocolate situation.” She asked, “What’s the situation?” He replied, “There’s no hot chocolate.”

A car rolling into live traffic is a situation. No hot chocolate, really? This is not the Hot Chocolate 5K and that is not a situation.

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