You can see if they felt it…

Participated in some training today about natural disasters that really shake things up. I know people who are like that. In fact, I think  I once wrote about the fact that people should just call me FEMA because I tend to “arrive” on the dating scene mid-quake. I need to work on that. MiniMe agrees.

Speaking of nature, Arbor Day is just around the corner. This is Alice’s favorite day and, for some reason, I thought it was her birthday. So I have been collecting little things she enjoys, such as wine, My Booky Wook, little journals with her name on it, and a 100% cotton Fresh & Easy bag. With Italian class tonight I put her birthday trinkets in the bag and figured I would give it to her after class.

In class, we were learning numbers and -are verbs. It was at this time that I learned Alice’s birthday is not on Arbor Day, rather, it is in ottobre (October). I’m still giving her the gift. I put a lot of thought into it and I know she’ll love it.

Alice and I were having a little too much fun, so I was selected to go to the front of the class and write the numbers on the board as the other students shouted them out. After wowing the class with my number taking skills, I returned to my seat next to Alice and tried to find (in the dictionary) a place where we could say we worked.

Lavorare (to work). Alice was torn on an occupation so I suggested the following: camionista (truck driver), armato (gunman), and attrice (actress). She didn’t like any of them. Non capisco. I decided to tell everyone I worked in a mortuaria (mortuary). They pressed me for more information, which I didn’t realize at first. Non capisco italiano, that is why I’m in the class, parlo inglese (I speak English). I told them about my training today and the “Did you feel it?” website where people submit their personal information and you can see if they felt it. This seemed pleasing to all. Prego (spaghetti sauce and you’re welcome).

3 thoughts on “You can see if they felt it…”

  1. Did you check the website? It is a government website and a lot of goberno employees refer to their cars as g-rides, so I’m guessing g-spot.

  2. general blondness and I share a common interest. knowledge of where they felt it. as a man, I can only assume they felt it in one of two places.

    a) the shower
    b) at a library computer

    c’est la vie, non?

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