Speakers. Outdoor lighting. Michael Jackson.

While in the Hamptons, Skiwi and DDDG proved to be very good grill masters. As a result, we decided to give them an opportunity to wow everyone again by having a barbecue at their house.


Tree and I arrived to find DDDG anxiously waiting in the kitchen and donning a wreath of fake flowers and ribbons like one would see on a maypole. “I love your headdress,” I told her. “Thank you. It used to be on a straw bonnet,” she replied. “Some woman at the Senior Center is definitely missing her bonnet,” Skiwi quipped.


Opreggano soon joined us, around which time Skiwi noticed a wasp near the salsa, and quickly threw his napkin in that direction. The napkin immediately caught fire due to the proximity of the salsa to the lit tealight. “Not blogworthy. Do not blog about this,” Skiwi advised me while grabbing the burning napkin and throwing it on the lawn where it continued to burn. “That”s definitely going in the blog,” Opreggano told him.


The fire eventually dwindled and the party kindled with the arrival of The Leaver and her three-pack of Belgian-style beer. “I would have brought a full six-pack but I had Chinese the other day,” she explained to us. “Wouldn’t have been my first pick with Chinese food,” Tree commented.


As The Leaver consumed her beer, Tree and I were telling the group about our earlier experience at the coffee shop, when we had to advise someone of the meaning of the ‘handles’ of some of his contacts on a dating site; the most obvious being ‘XTACCX.’ “Get it? Ecstacy sex. He is into sex on ecstacy,” I told the man. “Sex on ecstacy is great,” The Leaver concurred. “So we’ve heard,” Opreggano said and added, “That’s Not Chinese and Tree almost had sex while on ecstacy. Just ask her.” “No. Ask me,” Tree said. “That never happened.”


The Leaver didn’t notice the side conversation and continued on, “I’ve done ecstacy at least ten times. In the dessert. It really expands your mind. It’s been years since I’ve done it. I have some from 2006, I think. Do you think it’s still good?” “It’s not like red wine,” I told her.


Skiwi opted to change the subject. “Isn’t this delightful? Speakers, outdoor lighting and Michael Jackson. It doesn’t get better than this.” “Don’t forget napkin fires,” Opreggano reminded him. “Not blogworthy,” he reminded me.


At the end of the Michael Jackson song, and less than one beer later (this hasn’t been the weekend for finishing drinks), The Leaver decided to leave, “I’m not good with goodbyes,” Opreggano and Tree followed suit, and the dinner party, like the burning napkin, dwindled.


Always a proper hostess, DDDG closed the evening by warming our bellies with a spot of tea. Chamomile for Skiwi, so he could sleep (it was nearing 11 PM – way past his bed time). Mint for me, so as to avoid further stomach problems, and Jasmine for DDDG, to compliment her maypole headdress. Spot on on all accounts.



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