Bring Your Own Book

Every now and again I think I might want to buy a new car. Today was one of those days. Chatted with my friend (Pull-Out Couch) at the dealership about, perhaps, buying a car from him. Currently I’m considering a Fit. I see it as part of my training regimen for the 5K and for life. See, if I own a Fit, I don’t necessarily need to be fit. Right?

Speaking of fit, Pull-Out Couch and I started talking about training and the 5k. He advised me he has no interest in running. He followed that with, “I won’t even run down to the end of my street, and I live on the corner.” Pull-Out Couch and I have a lot in common.

After not buying a car, I stopped in at a bit of a fashion show, only to find the word “fashion” is often used loosely, and then dropped by the library to pick up a few more of my hold items (White Stripes and Cat Stevens). For weeks Alice has been telling me I will meet someone at the library and today her theory played out. I was perusing the shelves for My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands by Chelsea Handler, when a man approached me and began discussing the diverse selection of books. He went on to tell me he never checks out any books from the library nor does he buy them from the book store. Instead, he has his own books (not sure of their origin) that he brings to either facility and reads. Hmmm. Dewey is looking better and better every day. 

As I approached my house I was welcomed by That’s Not Chinese, equipped with a bottle of wine, on my stoop. We discussed each of our daily ongoings and she advised me against a Fit – doesn’t care for the design of the rear lamps. Fair enough. Several glasses of wine later, we had both confessed of our weekly sins and provided each other forgiveness – it’s good to have friends like that. Feeling renewed, we started singing along with one of the library cds, until it started skipping.  Oh well, I’ve never really cared for track 9 on any cd I’ve had.

5 thoughts on “Bring Your Own Book”

  1. I see that the Library did work out for the man hunt. My new advice is bike shops. I met ‘Not Yet’ at Fisher Cyclery and it was obvious he really meant Not Yet. Did I mention he was italian ~ so of couse I started to converse in italian 😉 If you nee a bike shoping companion I am available!

  2. I do like the bike shop concept. Definitely keen on the Italian man who is not yet together with you. Now that I think about it, I think I could use a good air pump.

  3. not to intrude on what is clearly a girl on girl session, but is the type of “air pump” you speak of:

    a) for a bike?
    b) the type of “pump” that is done sans partner?

    did I just invent innuendo?

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