Cut off

So it turns out the doctor and S-Unit are right. One shouldn’t drink while taking antibiotics and I am very thirsty.


There is a chance the thirst could be heat and age related, but I prefer to blame it on the antibiotics. Anyway, I’ve basically been on a bit of a liquid diet lately, sans alcohol.


Thus, when I arrived at Wanted’s house to find a chilled Smirnoff Ice waiting for me, I graciously and foolishly accepted.


One and a half Smirnoffs later, my stomach was working overtime. As much as I wanted to blame it on dinner – a French Vanilla latte and Salt and Pepper potato chips – I knew better.


This antibiotic was really cramping my lifestyle. In addition to being cut off  from alcohol during the course of the prescription, one is advised against drinking three days after taking it. Taking antibiotics is a lot like being in the 55+ community again – feels like rehab. “You picked a really great weekend to be on an antibiotic,” Tree told me as we discussed Labor Day weekend barbecue plans, and then added, “And what are you doing drinking Smirnoff Ice?”


Being that I didn’t have a really good answer, I cut him off, changed the subject and hoped for better days.

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