
As much I like to travel, I’m not the best at unpacking. Once I get home, I usually throw my suitcase in my room and don’t do much with it until I have tripped over it so many times that I have to unpack it. This week, I’ve got both a suitcase and a backpack in my room.


Being that I have been home for almost two weeks, I decided I should unpack. In an attempt to pack efficiently, I had shoved my shoes in my wellies. Unfortunately, my wellies got a bit damp in the Hamptons (not because it rained, but because I wore them in the pool) and weren’t completely dry when I packed them. As a result, the shoes inside them were covered with mold. Nothing like a souvenir.


While on our nightly phone call, I shared this story with S-Unit. Being a fashionista, she was saddened. As our conversation continued, she mentioned something about drinking. “Did I tell you I’m on antibiotics and can’t drink for seven days?” I asked. “You are going to be so thirsty,” she dryly replied, giggled, then asked, “Why are you on antibiotics?” “The mother of all yeast infections,” I confided in her. “Not only did your shoes come back moldy from the Hamptons….” she said and then started laughing so hard she couldn’t even finish the sentence. “Touché,” I said. “I think you mean douche,” she quipped, pronouncing ‘douche,’ ‘doo-shay,’ and laughing even harder.


Speaking of souvenirs, Sleepless and I thought of a t-shirt idea while in the Hamptons. “My boyfriend went on Spring Break and all I got was this stupid STD.” Who doesn’t want to wear that sTd-shirt?!?!

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