Breaking up

The other day while at the doctor I got asked two interesting questions: 1) Do you mind if a student watches? 2) Do you have any new sex partners? My answer to both was “no” and I added a qualifier to the second question, “I don’t have any old sex partners either.”


By the time I left my doctor’s office, I realized it might be time to break up with BOB, at least for a little while.


I was sharing this story with Tree when he told me that he might have to break up with a guy he met at the bar two days before. “Why?” I asked. “Well, he gave me his number, I called him today, and he hasn’t called me back.” “Let me guess. You called him right before calling me?” I asked. “Yes, but he still hasn’t called back,” Tree replied.


While sharing break-up stories with Fine Girl, Calling The Dog and Sleepless, Fine Girl told us how she found an Excel spreadsheet on which her ex-husband had detailed some unfortunate goals. “On Excel? He uses Excel for goals?” Calling The Dog asked and added, “I’d break up with him for that alone – regardless of the nature of the goal.”


Even with all of these decisions to break up, Neil Sedaka knows best. Breaking up is hard to do. BOB is still around, Tree plans on going out with his new beau, and Fine Girl – though divorced – is still living with her ex-husband.

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