Boom this!

A while back I experienced a sexual encounter. There is actually more to the story, but as I typed this I thought to myself, “You can just end the sentence there and it will still be true.” So, a while back I experienced a sexual encounter. Afterwards, the individual asked me, “You’re not too old to have a period, right?”


Fortunately, I didn’t let this upset me and actually let him stay the night. In the middle of the night, I got hot – something that happens to me on a regular basis. So, I sat up, grabbed the ceiling fan chain, turned it on the highest speed, and said, “I am old enough to have hot flashes. Night.”


Age is not something that I regularly think about. Sometimes, however, others kind of force you to think about it (i.e., story above). MyFace and I always talk about moving to Italy when we’re older and opening a bed and breakfast. She is actually heading there soon, which made me think about the Italian classes Alice and I took at the local high school. Even though we didn’t learn or retain much more than ‘hoha hola,’ the class was fun.


I thought it might be fun to take another class and browsed the Community Education Fall catalog. I found two belly dance classes and was intrigued, so I read on. The two classes available are: All Levels and Baby Boomers. Age for All Levels: 16 and up. Age for Baby Boomers: 40 and up – must be 40 or older to join this class. “40 and older? 40 isn’t ‘baby boomer,” I thought to myself, “This has to be a typo.” I continued to look through the catalog and found another ‘special’ class: Basic Computer Skills for Seniors: age 40 and up.


40 and up? Really? As much as I’d like to be retired and living on a pension, my hot flashing ass works. I’m not afraid of getting older, nor do I care. I just don’t think I’m going to take the classes based on one simple principle: no AARP discount. Boom!

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