Morphine surprise

After spending the last week with friends in New York, it was nice to return home to plans with friends here. MyFace, Sleepless, Opreggano, That’s Not Chinese, and I decided to meet for after-work drinks and appetizers and, after less than two hours, they were all ready to leave the restaurant.  MyFace was meeting with Charlie and Handsome Cowboy to discuss our vacation destinations; Sleepless had dinner plans with Ice Cream Man; and both Opreggano and That’s Not Chinese requested stoop time – I, of course, obliged.


Even though Sleepless and I arrived at my house before Opreggano and That’s Not Chinese, they managed to make it into the house before us. Not much of a creature of habit, I parked my car in the back and decided to enter the house through the front door. Sleepless followed behind me and when I opened the front door I got a ‘morphine surprise.’


In the kitchen were Opreggano, That’s Not Chinese, Alice, Hot Mustard, Cream of Tartar, BioMom, Chauffeur, Striker, MiniMe and Skiwi. Skiwi, of course, was donning a sweater over his shoulders, boat shoes – sans socks, and regularly mentioning, “I’ve just returned from the Amptons.” “I could tell by your tan,” Sleepless would quip.  A little later in the evening, Tree, Dr. BJ, Ice Cream Man and The Leaver joined in the festivities. The Leaver didn’t stay long, if she had, that would have been two surprises, one night.


I have to admit, I was quite impressed with MiniMe’s planning and ability to keep it a surprise. Especially considering my friends’ (give ’em a few drinks and they’ll tell you everything) secret keeping skills and the fact that MiniMe told me, while on morphine, that she intended to have a surprise party, however, couldn’t because I planned a trip to New York. This was a detail she, not surprisingly, didn’t recall. So, thanks to her morphine, it was a surprise to us all.




2 thoughts on “Morphine surprise”

  1. Yay – surprises are fun! After all that travel, I was still on ‘Ampton’s time and had to retire early. I’m pleased Sleepless and Ice Cream Man gave me a ride home – my shoulders would have overheated having to walk up that hill with my shoulder sweater worn just so.

  2. Surprises are fun. The ‘Amptons stay with you forever more. It was nice of them to give you a ride. Especially since they were heading home and T minus zero.

    You wearing a sweater over your shoulders helped me to have a better understanding of some of the attitudes there. They don’t have a chip on their shoulder, it’s a 100% cotton Ralph Lauren sweater and it is heavy.

    Next time we go, we should check to see what Jamee Gregory is up to:

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