
Being among so many friends in the Hamptons, Sleepless, Ice Cream Man and I weren’t too concerned about how we might get to the airport at the end of our travels.


Skiwi, one who loves to save green and go green, offered to take us in his rental car, a Toyota Prius. “I’m not going to lie. I really wanted to tell people I drove around the Amptons in a Prius. Now, I can.” At first, we weren’t sure if all of our luggage would fit. “You only brought carry-ons, right?” he asked us. “Wrong,” I replied. “You should see Ice Cream Man’s bag. It’s bigger than ours,” Sleepless advised. “I saw his trunk last night. I’ve no doubt it will fit in the Prius,” Skiwi quipped.


As the time came to depart, we took all of our luggage out to the car and, to our surprise, it all fit. Thus, we said our goodbyes to Good Eye Money Guy and others and hit the road with a map that was slightly different from that which Drizzler and File Not Found got from the phone booth. “Good Eye Money Guy Googled a scenic route for us and I took notes on a paper plate,” Skiwi told us and continued, “Sweetheart, I’ll need you to cross off each line of instructions as we complete them. Wouldn’t want to get lost in the Amptons.”


As DDDG crossed off each line, Skiwi would check the mileage and report to to us, “53.4, unbelievable.” Once we hit the freeway, he excitedly reported, “Did you see? The Prius just passed a Porsche Cayenne Turbo. 53.4.” Ice Cream Man noticed the state speed limit, 60 mph, and Skiwi’s speed, 59. “Cruise control is comfortably set at 59,” he told us. “That’s right, Skiwi replied and added, “That’s how we get 53.4 to the gallon.” “I am so glad we don’t have this car at home,” said DDDG. “I can’t hear 53.4 again.”


We continued to drive and the weather continued to shift. Major rain and thunder. “Looks like we got all of the good weather. Look at these tans. I wish I had an office to go to tomorrow so I could tell people I got this tan in the Amptons,” Skiwi told us. “What a shame you don’t get to share that,” Sleepless stated.


Skiwi managed to get upgraded and had boarded the plane long before us. As we entered the plane he greeted us with his All Access Pass and dashing shirt. “Nice tan. Where’d you get it?” Sleepless asked him. “First class,” he responded. “First class? What happened to the Amptons?” I asked. “Well, I didn’t get razor sharp tan lines,” he replied.


Several hours later, we were still on the plane waiting to depart. Due to the rain, the flight had been delayed. Just shy of three hours of waiting, they informed us we would be leaving shortly. We didn’t bank on it, because it was still pouring rain, but figured, if the odds of leaving were 50%, we might have a chance. If the odds were 53.4%, watch out! Delta just may have a new personal best!

4 thoughts on “53.4”

  1. Incidentally, for those considering a trip to the ‘Amptons, the expenditure for petrol for the Prius was less than buying two beers at many of the ‘Ampton’s bars. 🙂

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