Super fun!

Smart Writer is once again doing smart things. He has paired up with a classmate for a road trip from Sutter Creek, California to New York City. The purpose: two former mormons hoping to see historic sites, learn about their ancestry and enjoy The Book of Mormon (musical).  His classmate/companion isn’t too excited about seeing the musical. Smart Writer thinks “it might be too soon for him.” “Oh, I get it,” I replied and added, “He’s not ready to face the music.”


Turns out Smart Writer and his companion don’t really know each other. Twenty days from now, when the road trip ends, they’ll know each other very well. I wouldn’t say they will know each other in a biblical sense, but I’ve no doubt they’ll know each other in a triple combo kind of way.


The companion is providing a car – a 1993 Geo Metro. I recommended Smart Writer find some lettering and add the word ‘sexual’ to the end. Two handsome men driving across country together – people may talk.


Smart Writer is pretty excited about this adventure and, two days in, has already had some interesting experiences. “I’m blogging about it,” he told me, “” A blog seems like a good idea – especially with the recession, much less expensive than logging it on golden plates.


I’m looking forward to Smart Writer’s blog.  I’m really glad he told me the link and didn’t make me look for it deep in the mountainside somewhere.


I do hope he is able to get a reasonable answer to something I have pondered for years. My understanding is Jesus turned water into wine. I wouldn’t imagine that to be too easy. Thus, my question is this, “Why did the mormons turn the wine back into water?”


Perhaps, in his travels, Smart Writer will be able to find the answer to my burning (but not in the bosom) question. Regardless, he’ll have a super fun time.

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