From bells to balls

I woke up this morning and followed my routine, which I just started this morning. This involved waking up, getting up (completely different from waking up), showering, doing my hair, getting dressed, taking out the trash, eating breakfast, locking up the house, and heading to work.


As I was locking up the house I heard a jingling noise. I turned around to find a cat coming out of my back bedroom. I don’t own a cat, so this was a bit of a surprise for me. As soon as the cat realized I had spotted him he darted out of the room and headed toward the stairs. Obviously, I didn’t know his name and MiniMe is very allergic so I had to yell out a generic name (much like Jamie Foxx’s name in Horrible Bosses), open the back door, and advise him to leave the premises.


I was sharing this story with BeCuz, who quipped, “Three pussies in one house is a lot.” “Tell me about it,” I said and added. “The other thing is, I have no idea how long little Thackery Binx had been there. All night, a few minutes, I have no idea.” She then told me about a comment her niece made about cats, “‘Cats are an abomination.’ I love that girl for so many reasons. Kids say the funniest things.”


“They do,” I agreed and told her, “I was with my neighbors at breakfast and their six year old son told me he didn’t want to have kids because they were ‘too much work’ and that he hoped his younger sister, who is four, will have kids ‘to keep the family going.'”


As we were leaving the restaurant he was poking at me and trying to wrestle. “I like to hit people’s butts,” he told me. “That’s’ not very nice,” I replied. “You know what I really like to do?” he asked me. “What?” “I like to punch boys in the balls,” he said with great pride. “Well that is really not nice. You better be careful, someone might punch you back,” I warned him. “No, they won’t be able to punch me because I can do somersaults.”


I really need to improve my somersault skills. Perhaps then I could ward off Thackery Binx and unexpected punches.

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