Hairy Situation

My hair is a great outlet for me. I am constantly changing the color, cut and style because I love change and it provides me a sense of freedom. Most recently, I’ve been going with big or “rockstar” hair, as they refer to it at the office. I’m quite enjoying it and find it pairs well with NASCAR, corndogs and arcades.

There are some people who are fascinated by these “bold” hair moves, because they are accustomed to the same color and style they have had for years. For most, leaving their hair the same makes life simple and many are afraid of venturing out. Which I get, venturing out definitely has it’s price.

For example, once I was trying to go from brunette to blonde and my stylist used a product designed to strip the color from my hair. It worked, sort of. My hair was a very natural apricot color for about a week. More recently, Johnny Utah informed me that one of my styles, a shoulder length bob with fringe, looked like “Cleopatra Dumb and Dumber.” He pulled up a picture of Jim Carrey, aka Lloyd Christmas, to prove his point. He’s crazy, my hair wasn’t anywhere near that color.

Recently learning that I am Greek (, I decided to color my hair black. The color appointment took longer than expected, leaving me no time to have my eyebrows colored to match. Upon arriving at work, DaJo, an honest and fashionable man, told me, “Love the new hair, now go home and color your eyebrows to match.”

I’ve colored by eyebrows at home before when my hair was an auburn color.  I ended up looking like Ronald McDonald or Bozo the Clown. But that was years ago and, naturally looking black eyebrows, that should be easy. I bought my product, carefully applied it to my brows, only allowed it to process for a bit and was quickly reminded of the importance of professional estheticians. Only a few things could enhance my thick black eyebrows: sunglasses and/or landing the role as one of the background singers in the musical Mamma Mia.

Lucky for me, thick brows on women are supposedly the latest trend. I have a feeling large sunglasses and hats will be my latest trend. I’m definitely steering clear of Johnny Utah – I don’t want to see my current doppelganger according to him, I have a feeling it might be Joan Crawford, aka Blanche Hudson. My personal opinion is I bare a striking resemblance to my Wii Mii, but I haven’t seen her for 47 days, so I could be wrong.

2 thoughts on “Hairy Situation”

  1. my hair is a great outlet for me as well. it lets me out of:

    a) having to pretend I care about a hairdo
    b) haircuts

    of course, having hair might make it more enjoyable to go to the barber shop and ask for the “princeton.” as it is, I get raised eyebrows and well, that’s not nice.

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