Half a man

Oper decided to have a peel party, not to be confused with a pill party, and I decided to roll over, not to be confused with rolling. So, I cleared the cobwebs off of my skates and started my journey to her house. Luckily, rollerskating is like riding a bike (if you know how to ride) and the skills returned relatively quickly and without incident.


Once I arrived at her house we began discussing my birthday celebrations. “I want to go with you to the Hamptons so bad. I was I had a rich man,” Oper told me. “What about Danger?” I asked. “Well, he’s half. He’s got the man part down, anyway,” quipped Live Longer. “See, he is halfway there,” I advised Oper.


“True. But I don’t really need a man. Me and Live Longer are going to move away to California and just drink and go out,” she replied. “Don’t you drink and go out here?” I asked, while relaxing on the couch and trying to look both smart and sporty in my dress and rollerskates. “Yes, but it will be different there,” she answered. “I’ve got to wait for my husband to die,” Live Longer interjected. “I shouldn’t have too wait long. He is older than me and I’m Asian. I’ll live longer.”


After getting my peel, in hopes of not looking like I’ve lived as long as I have, I announced my departure. “Gotta go, I’ve got furniture to move.” “Are you moving furniture in those skates?” Oper asked. “Yep. It’s a recession. These are the only wheels I could afford.” I figure between The Leaver and me, we can get the moving done quickly and right. We don’t need a man or half a man for that matter – we’ve got skates.

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