Tics and tunes

Dr. BJ is all about the ‘Summer of Concerts’ and purchased That’s Not Chinese and I tickets, aka ‘tics,’ to the David Gray concert for our birthdays. A week before the concert, he learned Disdain, like me, needs a personal assistant. I have a tendency to fail to put things on my calendar or do so and don’t check the calendar. As a result, I double book for several events. This can be frustrating for everyone except me. Turns out, Disdain was double booked the night of the concert, so Dr. BJ sold his ticket to Very Interested.


We planned to meet for dinner before the concert and, upon arriving at the restaurant, Very Interested found some of our friends in the middle of a birthday party and decided to join them. By the time I arrived, he and Dr. BJ were already enjoying a glass of the party wine. My wine arrived at the same time as the other guests and it became clear we were really crashing their party, so we moved to another table. The restaurant manager was disappointed he couldn’t accommodate us at the party table, so he brought the party to our table –  a complimentary round of ouzo. “We should crash parties more often,” Dr. BJ exclaimed and then he took a sip of the ouzo, “Oh my, wow. That’s something.” “That’s ouzo!” Very Interested advised him.


Just as our bill arrived, so did That’s Not Chinese. Dr. BJ intended to pull out cash and instead pulled out his ticket. “You can’t pay with that,” I informed him. “Oh shit!” That’s Not Chinese shouted, “I forgot my ticket. I’ve got to go home and get it. See you soon.” Once we arrived at the venue, Very Interested realized he left his keys at the restaurant and had to walk back to retrieve them. “I don’t think we’re ever going to get to this concert,” Dr. BJ told me. “We will. They, on the other hand, may not,” I replied.


Luckily, we all made it into the venue just in time for David Gray to begin. Both That’s Not Chinese and Dr. BJ were crazy for him. “He is just so cute,” That’s Not Chinese continued to tell me and then would add, “Is it just me or does it look like he has a tic? I think he may be autistic.” David Gray then started talking about the artistic process involved in writing a song. “Did he say autistic or artistic?” That’s Not Chinese asked. “Artistic,” I replied. “Look at my shirt,” Dr. BJ interrupted and continued, “He is so hot he made my shirt bust right open.” Sure enough, Dr. BJ’s shirt was unsnapped to just above his belly button.


Dr. BJ contemplated leaving his shirt unsnapped, but reluctantly decided to snap it up while David Gray began tuning one of his guitars. A few minutes later, Dr. BJ’s shirt was still snapped and David Gray was still tuning. “Now you can tell all of your friends that I took three minutes to tune a guitar,” David Gray told the audience, “I can see it posted everywhere.” I wouldn’t necessarily refer to my blog as ‘everywhere,’ but if David Gray believes it to be, so be it.

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