Bring a tent

While sitting on the stoop of Oreggano’s house, one of her guests (who was probably eight, maybe nine years old) was asked to grab something from the kitchen. “Just because I’m extremely good looking doesn’t mean I have to do everything.” “I feel your pain,” I replied. A few minutes later it started raining, “Better be careful,” I advised him. “You wouldn’t want the rain to wash away your good looks.” “Oh, nothing can take away these good looks,” he replied and then added, “Except, maybe, puberty.”


It was about this time that Chauffeur joined the party wearing a very tight t-shirt. “Dr. BJ would be very proud,” Oreggano told him. “It’s a small,” Chauffeur replied. “Again, very proud,” Oreggano reassured him. “Whoa,” Cream Of Tartar said as he arrived on scene and saw Chauffeur’s ‘Jersey Shore,’ “Is that thing cutting off any circulation?” “Very funny,” Chauffeur responded, looked at me, and asked, “Is that a work dress?” “Yes. Why are you trying to make this about me?”


We all continued to chat and Chauffeur continued to wear the hell out of his shirt. “Are you flying anytime soon?” I asked him. “No. Why?” “I just know it takes a while to get permits for guns like that. And, for the record, brandishing a weapon within city limits is illegal.” “So funny,” he replied and asked again, “Is that a work dress?” “Why do you keep asking that?” asked BioMom. “Because her cleavage is showing,” Chauffeur replied. “Well then, I guess my work dress is ‘working,'” I quipped.


After teasing Chauffeur about getting an ax and chopping down some of our trees, we discussed the idea of camping. Chauffeur and BioMom have a cabin in a neighboring state and we all thought it might be a good idea to spend a weekend there. As we made the plans it became clear that Chauffeur and Cream Of Tartar would be there a day before the rest of us. They were very excited about this prospect. “Where is your cabin again?” I asked Chauffeur. Before he could answer, I continued, “Brokeback Mountain, right?” “There you go again, being funny,” Chauffeur replied and advised me, “You might want to bring a tent because that is what you’ll be sleeping in.” “That’s fine with me.  I’ll bring the tent, you bring the guns,” I quipped. I then looked at Oreggano and, without hearing the question, she knew the answer, “Yes, you can sleep in our tent.”

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