Time Zone Unknown

I truly tried to be faster than the speed of light yesterday (the day formerly known as today and the day on which I was born). Sadly, I was not. As a result, I did not have an entry on April 10th; blog or otherwise.

My day started beautifully with a surprise call from The Leaver and, subsequently, coffee with her at the local coffee garden. Our encounter appears to have resulted in me going to Mexico with her girlfriend for a wedding in June. Typical Saturday.

Later in the evening, I met up with some friends at a local bar. I figured I would have one drink with them and then I would meet up with The Leaver, Karaoke Queen (with whom I may spend a week in Mexico) and their lovely friends.   

My one drink was beer and I’m not much of a beer drinker, so it took me a while to consume. Don’t act surprised, my URL isn’t www.beerbitch.com. After conquering my pint, which also took a while because I was telling stories of yesterblog, I had another. As a result, I did not end up meeting up with The Leaver and her peeps. Bummer.

Fortunately, I was in good company with Add-ly, Johnny Utah (aka, Mr. and Mrs. McDreamy) and their friends, several of whom were clearly doppelgangers. Johnny Utah was getting several pics with the doppelgangers and I suggested he move into a better lit area for all of his celebrity pics -primarily because he appeared very dark in the pics. His response, “I am dark. No seriously, I’m tan. I go tanning.” We decided to do a bit of a pub crawl and started making our way down main street. Add-ly was hungry, so I led us toward a tapas bar. Being that Add-ly was in a different county than that which she claims as her residence, she was about an hour ahead of the actual time. Sadly, so was the tapas bar: closed with the open sign flashing. Ironic.

We ended up at a martini bar instead, which appeared to be waiting for us. Johnny Utah and I threw down some dance moves while Add-ly kept an eye on our goods and fended off young chaps aspiring to be with her (common occurrence). Johnny Utah quite liked watching her squirm. Naughty Johnny Utah.

We ended the night with breakfast at a local diner and rocking out to track four of a public library cd. Have I mentioned how much I love the public library?  We walked together, we were walking down the street, we just couldn’t get enough, we were out of our heads. Just can’t get enough. Just can’t get enough (Repeat to end).

2 thoughts on “Time Zone Unknown”

  1. we slip and/or slide as we fall in love and I just can’t seem to:

    a) get enough of you
    b) surprise ms. grigio with my knowledge of the gay culture’s favorite band(s)

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