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Started my day right with The Leaver, Happy Lady and Her Husband. As usual, Happy Lady and Her Husband wowed us with their artistic baristic abilities. The tulip in my white velvet was both tasty and tantalizing.

The Leaver, who could also be called The Payer – she prefers to pay – was in rare form. We decided to drink our hot and saucy beverages outside and, in doing so, got the privilege of meeting two very lovely peeps – The Leaver’s peeps, per say. I told them some of my peeps were buried by their peeps, as a result of the days of segregation, at the cemetery just east of the coffee shop. These new peeps informed me I was Greek and not Dutch. This is something they were very sure of – who needs genealogy when you’ve got strong, sassy and friendly Greek women to tell you your heritage.

Later in the day I had the privilege of meeting up with another Greek, That’s Not Chinese. Today is the last day of her job, which is sad for me, because I was quite enjoying the “Happy 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, last day of work” songs I was leaving on her voicemail.

That’s Not Chinese and I grabbed two bottles of Sebastiani Cabernet Sauvignon and headed to Tree’s place of employment. Upon arriving, we were not hungry. Probably a direct result of the smokies in the mini crock that we had chased with wine on the stoop.

Nonetheless, we ordered food. Tree finished working, quickly scooted home to change into a sexy plaid shirt, and joined us for “dinner.”  While dining, Tree informed us his sign, Capricorn, was the bean counter of the Zodiac. As a result, he likes to use his fingers when he counts. This is important because we had discussed the idea of sleeping with coworkers. Tree quipped, “Yes, great idea. Sleep with a coworker and see what bad comes of it.” He then counted, using his digits, all of the jobs he has worked in which he did not sleep with coworkers. None. His response, “I’ve made a lot of bad decisions, that’s not one of them.”

As dinner was winding up, That’s Not Chinese pulled out her chapstick and announced her lips were extremely dry. She began generously applying her chapstick (which was looking more and more like amniotic fluid, in the general area of her month and exclaimed, “Mmmmm, I love this.” As her friend, I advised her the reason her lips are dry is because her chapstick is all around her mouth, not on her lips, which explains the dryness. Tree concurred. That’s Not Chinese told us we were mean. Tree replied, “It’s not mean, it’s true and, p.s., you’re not popular, you’re a slut.”

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