Dewey Does Decimals

Today marks the third day I have been to the library in the past four days. I am so in love with that place! Alice was chatting with me on the phone as I was making my way in and suggested I might meet a man there. I took a quick peek inside and told her my chances were slim today. Only available man in the library was Dewey. Dewey Decimal. And, to be honest, he’s not that trustworthy. I’ve been anxiously looking for Glastonbury Jukebox and Dinner for Five, relying on Dewey’s ways, and have been completely unsuccessful. It is a bit of a downer, but I’m still in love.

Once I got home I delved into my library treasures. Nothing beats a quiet evening at home with your foster dog in the kennel because he keeps pooping in the house, The Darjeeling Limited on the tv, Richard Cheese playing faintly in the background and coffee table books instructing one How to be a Cowboy. Not one to be selfish with anything, I thought I might share a little bit of somethin’ somethin’ from each of these treasures (No Action Jaxon excluded):

‘Whatever happens in the end,’ she said, ‘I don’t lose you as my friend.’ He looked into her eyes, ‘I promise I will never be your friend. No matter what. Ever.’

In the summer of 1984, a friend gave me a cassette of an album called Gumboots Accordian Jive Hits, Volume II. But I Digress.

Never sit on a barbwire fence naked.

2 thoughts on “Dewey Does Decimals”

  1. sad movie the darjeeling limited. let’s look at our itinerary:

    a) pet no action jaxon
    b) fall asleep on couch

  2. Itineraries are very important. Snakes are not allowed and Sweet Lime implies naughtiness. I like how you think and believe you are either (or both):

    a) very astute
    b) borrowing Peeping Duane’s binoculars

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