Frequent dipper

This morning I woke up, induced by my alarm, to several inches of snow. This made me happy because I got to wear a really cute sweater I just bought – which I didn’t think I would get to wear until next year. Woot!


Snow days are always a good day for my favorite mocha ever. Being that I was scheduled to be in meetings all day, I had even more justification (not that I need it) for this fabulous concoction.


I pulled up to order my poison, ivory mocha, and started rolling down my window. Unfortunately, for my barista, I didn’t clear all of the snow off my window. In my attempt to guard the snow from falling in my car I ended up “throwing” snow all over Taylor the Latte Boy (plug for a great song). Luckily he was forgiving – I think. My mocha didn’t taste salty or too creamy and he stamped my card (with a few extra stamps for good measure), so, all is good.


A bit later in the day I was chatting with We Could Have Been when I was reminded of a “Vow of Celibacy Contract” that I created and signed about fifteen years ago.  Almost two decades ago, when I didn’t need an alarm to wake me because my internal alarm was blaring at me to get up and out of the room before the naked body next to me woke. We Could Have Been vividly remembers me sharing my contract with him. Nothing says “no” like a celibacy contract. Ah, the good ol’ days. The days when instead of a frequent sipper card I had a frequent dipper card.


Ironically, tonight Fru Fru Pants and I were watching the same documentary, and communicating about it via text messages, when one of the interviewees began to discuss celibacy. I sent Fru Fru Pants a text advising her of the coincidence, my contract, and the fact that I was blogging about it. She replied, “Are you still doing that?” I quipped, “Celibacy, not by choice. Blog, by choice.”

3 thoughts on “Frequent dipper”

  1. how many stamps on your frequent dipper card I wonder?
    ahhh, celibacy contracts:

    a) adorable newsmaking press releases for pop singers
    b) forehead wiping opiate for parents of said pop singers’ fans

    sadly. or, unintentionally hot-ly, useless.

  2. me and you both. i think those cards usually have ten or so spaces for stamps and sometimes you can’t find the card, so you start a new one and then you’ve got a collection of cards and, well, you know how it goes.
    i may start calling you “option a and b”
    celibacy contracts are definitely newsmakers and forehead wiping opiates!

  3. it’s good to have options for:

    a) choices
    b) free will

    either way, I’m going to find a way to include bombshell mcgee. and forehead tattoos. I think I’ll have a hairline added.

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