Pump up the volumizing

Although I am one who could travel endlessly, there are a few reasons  I enjoy returning home. Sometimes it is nice to be back in your own couch, CO chair or bed. It is also comforting to see the habits of your home – chairs on the stoop, a blanket on the arm of the chair, books stacked on a table, and birds in the penthouse. For me, another comfort and, truth be told, necessity, is having good shampoo and conditioner.


I have, on previous travels, placed my shampoo and conditioner in travel containers and then not remembered which bottle is the shampoo and which is the conditioner. Or, I’ve not packed shampoo or conditioner, assuming those I visit will have both. Being that many of the people I visit are single men (as I typed this it sounded a bit naughty, but it is true), shampoo and conditioner are not always amenities found in their shower – neither is soap.


This last trip, That’s Not Chinese offered to bring the shampoo and conditioner. Being an avid traveler, she had them in the travel size containers, so the only distinction was the color of the bottle. I had no idea of the brand or type.


My hair is pretty thick and has a tendency to have a lot of body in other climates. As soon as I washed it in Paris I knew it was going to be a bad hair week for me. My hair was wavy, big and out of control. Once we arrived in Angicourt, I washed it again – still trouble.


We were sitting around the table discussing hair when I mentioned my big – literally – hair struggles. That’s Not Chinese was listening intently and finally said, “That shampoo and conditioner I brought is for volumizing hair.” “That explains some things,” I told her. “Yes, some people don’t need volume,” she replied. “Exactly. This Américain is loud enough without big hair.  The only time I need to pump up the volume is when I’m listening to M|A|R|R|S,” I responded.

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